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I'm going to help you find the best diet for you!

It's the most common question people ask me when they find out I'm a Nutritionist:

"What's the best diet?"

So today, I am going to tell you... You are welcome.

The best diet for what?

So the first question I will ask is... what are your goals? What are you actually trying to achieve?

Gym culture tends to revolve around bodybuilders, because it tends to glorify that aesthetic. But a bodybuilder's eating habits are really not very helpful for someone who is working out 3-4 times a week and trying to lose weight.

Eating for performance is a very different beast from eating for weight loss, and both of those can be very different from eating for good health.

[for instance the protocols I would use to help a physique competitor cut fat for stage are very different from how I would handle a non-athlete wanting to lose fat for health; and also very different from how I would support a weight-class athlete, like a boxer or powerlifter, cut weight for competition.]

When I go to a powerlifting competition, I might eat 3 doughnuts and a couple of lattes over the course of the morning. That's pretty good nutrition for a strength athlete on competition day. It's shoddy nutrition for a training day, and pretty abysmal for a non athlete, let alone one trying to lose weight!

So I would categorise nutrition goals into:

  • Performance
  • Health
  • Fat loss
  • Weight loss

Which of those you are looking for, and in what order, will change how you should be eating. There's trade offs too, you can't have the best of all at once.

The best diet for who?

Food is a very personal issue. When we think about what makes a good diet we have to think about not just the individual's physiology, but also their psychology, lifestyle and culture.

Your body and food

Different individuals process food differently. Our genetic background affects how well we tolerate particular food types. Age and hormone profile also have an impact. What works for some people, won't necessarily work for others.

In addition, we have to take in particular dietary needs. Allergies, intolerances, conditions such as IBS and diabetes... all these are indications for adjustments to the diet which are vital for some people, but unnecessary to damaging for others.

Food for more than nutrition.

Even once we have figured out the basics in terms of food as fuel, there are other factors to consider. Food is part of our social culture, a diet which isolates us from our family and communities is not conducive to good health. We make emotional connections with certain food types and the idea of cutting them (or having to include them) can cause a serious barrier which makes a plan hard to follow or consistently stick with.

For some people religion or cultural beliefs affect how they can eat. No matter how physiologically appropriate a diet is, it's no good if it doesn't align with your deeply held beliefs. It might seem obvious, but I have had clients who were committed vegetarians ask "please don't make me eat meat"... of course I wouldn't. That would not be their best diet.

The logistics of nutrition.

Lastly, and most importantly, a good diet has to be something you can actually make happen. You can't eat salad every day if you only go grocery shopping once a week! You can't eat kale if you don't know how to prepare it to be palatable.

Your healthy eating plan has to be affordable to you, the foods have to be available locally to you. You should be able to prepare it with the time and tools you have available.

So is there an ideal fat loss diet for everyone?

No. We could have saved some time there couldn't we?

I might even go so far as to say that if someone is trying to persuade you that they have the one programme/meal plan which is going to work for you, then that is definitely not the right one! It's probably in my Room 101 for diets.

How is this at all helpful?

Actually, I think that letting go of the idea of an ideal plan is super helpful. Trying to stick to a plan which doesn't suit your needs is a recipe for poor results or rebound weight gain. The first step to moving towards a plan that works for you, is to lose the idea of a one size fits all quick fix, and commit to the idea of learning how to make healthy eating work for you. To learn to read what your body is telling you and to develop skills to keep you on track, for life.

This is why I chose to work with a habit based coaching approach. I work with people to make healthy adjustments to their existing diet, rather than scorching the earth and starting from scratch. We aim to be a little bit better, not all or nothing. We work with the foods you have access to and enjoy eating.

The best diet for you:

  • Fulfils your body's needs for sustenance, in line with your activities and goals.
  • Fits into your lifestyle comfortably.
  • Promotes health in all areas:
    • physical
    • medical
    • psychological
    • social
  • Is sustainable, for life.

Need some help?

Got questions? Give me a shout! Head over to my Facebook page. You could even join my free fitness community for exclusive information, support and accountability.

You can also start out with my completely FREE reset, by signing up to my mailing list. In this 7 day programme I take you through some of the most important changes you can make to your lifestyle, to make you feel better, through building healthy habits into your lifestyle.

Making big changes is scary, Lotus Bloom coaching is nutrition and lifestyle coaching for long term, sustainable change. I take on a small number of clients who I support through a life changing 12 month process. Claim your spot now.


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