Twice this week, I have caught myself saying to myself (because I talk to myself a lot) "Salads are awesome, I love salad". Then I laugh at myself for being a massive dork who likes salad AND talks to myself about it. But it made me think about how often salad is done a great disservice as a food. Up until my mid twenties, I hated salad. Salad was boring. But the reason I felt this way, was that I, like many children of the '80s, grew up with "salad" that consisted of strips of iceburg lettuce and watery tomatoes. The classic school dinner salad. With salad creme on the side. Possibly also with Spam. So let's stop this right now. That stuff isn't salad. It's a very sad garnish with big ideas it hasn't got the backbone to live up to. Then I learned that salad could be made with leaves that don't taste of refrigerator and sadness. And you can add all sorts of awesome things to make it super tasty and satisfying. But those kinds of s