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Showing posts from October, 2018

Here's the best calorie counter in the world... and it's free!

How many calories should I consume every day? How many calories am I using in my workout? Why am I not losing weight when I appear to be in a caloric deficit? What's the best app for calorie tracking? I'm not going to answer any of these questions. We, my friends, are going to throw those all out of the window. Because they aren't the right questions. Calorie tracking is notoriously inaccurate. It's almost impossible to calculate your calorie intake with any useful level of accuracy.  And unless you have an exercise physiology lab, you aren't getting near with calories out either.  The best you can hope for is that the inaccuracies cancel each other out and you end up in the right ball park. Calorie counting is also laborious, boring and potentially invites obsessive, disordered eating behaviours. [It's sometimes a useful tool as an advanced level strategy for athletes under supervision, but not most of us who are simply trying to maintain a healt

I'm going to help you find the best diet for you!

It's the most common question people ask me when they find out I'm a Nutritionist: "What's the best diet?" So today, I am going to tell you... You are welcome. The best diet for what? So the first question I will ask is... what are your goals? What are you actually trying to achieve? Gym culture tends to revolve around bodybuilders, because it tends to glorify that aesthetic. But a bodybuilder's eating habits are really not very helpful for someone who is working out 3-4 times a week and trying to lose weight. Eating for performance is a very different beast from eating for weight loss, and both of those can be very different from eating for good health. [for instance the protocols I would use to help a physique competitor cut fat for stage are very different from how I would handle a non-athlete wanting to lose fat for health; and also very different from how I would support a weight-class athlete, like a boxer or powerlifter, cut weight for